QSM Historical Database

QSM Historical Database

The QSM historical database is a cornerstone asset that we utilize in all our software and systems consulting service engagements. It is the largest, most complete and validated set of historically completed software projects in the world. QSM has invested over 100 man years of effort collecting, validating and analyzing this data. We have assembled over 10,000 validated projects and are adding hundreds of projects every year.

As a client what does this mean to you?

  • You will have access to this exclusive industry information. As part of our consulting service engagements we work with you to gain a complete understanding of the nature of your systems and environment. With this understanding we select the most relevant projects to be used in our assessment. We are able to select projects based on hundreds of variables to include application type, completion date, languages, size of application, methodology used and much more. We find that the data validation and comparison aspects of our engagement deliverables add a level of credibility that can’t be found elsewhere.
  • You can be assured that the most recent data trends will be supporting your assessment. We regularly feed our latest research findings into the algorithms in our software estimation tools, the SLIM-Suite. Our tools are able to import specific data sets and trend lines to support analytical and comparative analysis.
  • You will have access to QSM research and published reports. We are continuously doing research on the state of practice in the software industry and publish the results in papers and industry reports.